Monday, March 10, 2025

Co-hosting You're the Star Blog Hop Creative Feature Week

 Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  I can't believe how quickly March is going.  I have been so busy creating and with my day job, I haven't had much time to write but have committed that I will at least post on Friday.  Who doesn't love those wild and crazy animals :) 

Have a blessed day and I look forward to seeing what everyone has been busy with this week.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

WELCOME to the second week of the March 2025 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

WELCOME to CREATIVE feature week of the March 2025 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your CREATIVE week Hosts 

This week is CREATIVE feature week
Swing by the Creative hosting Team's blogs:
Colleen @ Butterfly in the Attic
Mel @ Decor Craft Design

This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#2 CREATIVE - arts & crafts, music, writing &/or dramatic arts (this can include sewing, yarn work, dance, art history, handmade jewelry, painting, computer art, fashion etc - anything creative while remaining family friendly)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg

(These features were chosen from the February 2025 "You're the Star" blog hop)

MOD Tide Pool Kitchen Towel Set by Road Gypsies

how to make an origami gift bag

If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg



All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

This is a Blog Hop!

You are next... Click here to enter
This list will close in 22 days, 12 hrs, 20 min (4/6/2025 11:59 PM North America - Eastern Standard Time)

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here...

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! - Matthew 6:22-23 (KJV)

end code

Monday, March 3, 2025

Co-hosting You're the Star Blog Hop Garden Feature Week

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  This week's theme is Garden.  
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg
WELCOME to the March 2025 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!
WELCOME to GARDEN feature week of the March 2025 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your GARDEN week Hosts 

This week is GARDEN feature week
Swing by the GARDEN Hosts blogs:
Angie @ God's Growing Garden
Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#1 GARDEN - gardening, homesteading, recycling, outdoor activities &/or preserving (this can include any type of green living,  repurposed ideas, outdoor concerns, posts relating to farm animals etc all while remaining family friendly)
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg
 (These features were chosen from the February 2025 "You're the Star" blog hop)
Golden Trumpet Trees by Comfort Spring Station

If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg
All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

This is a Blog Hop!

You are next... Click here to enter
This list will close in 22 days, 12 hrs, 20 min (4/6/2025 11:59 PM North America - Eastern Standard Time)

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here...

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! - Matthew 6:22-23 (KJV)


Monday, February 24, 2025

Co-hosting You're the Star Blog Hop Home Feature Week

 Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  I can't wait to see what everyone has been busily posting.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

WELCOME to the February 2025 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!
WELCOME to HOME feature week of the February 2025 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your HOME week Hosts
This week is HOME feature week
Swing by the Home Hosts' Blogs:
Bev from Eclectic Red Barn
Niki from Life as a LEO Wife
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#4 HOME - recipes, home décor, antique/DIY &/or travel (this can include anything about your home - even history posts - all while remaining family friendly)
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg
(All features were chosen from the January 2025 "You're the Star" blog hop)
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg
All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

Whoever keeps the fig tree will eat its fruit; So he who waits on his master will be honored. - Proverbs 27:18 (NKJV)


Monday, February 17, 2025

Co-hosting You're the Star Blog Hop Family Feature Week

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day and a great weekend.  So exciting to start the work week with all of you :)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

Welcome to week#3 of the February 2025 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!
Before we continue onto the Linky party I wanted to share this post from my blog:
Creative Thursday
Buy Art Online_____________________________
WELCOME to FAMILY feature week of the
February 2025 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your FAMILY week Cohosts 

This week is FAMILY feature week
Swing by the Family hosting team's blogs:
Michelle @ Moms Are Frugal
Kris @ Kris and Larry . com
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#3 FAMILY - parenting, fitness, health, finances & inspirational (this can include anything about children like: education ideas for children, also self help, beauty etc -  anything family friendly)
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg
(These features were chosen from the January 2025 "You're the STAR" blog hop)
If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg
All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

Whoever keeps the fig tree will eat its fruit; So he who waits on his master will be honored. - Proverbs 27:18 (NKJV)


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Creative Thursday

 Good morning my friends,

today's photography is from my collection of selective coloring

Buy Art Online

Wall Art Art Prints Sell Art Online Art Prints

Monday, February 10, 2025

Co-hosting You're the Star Blog Hop Creative Feature Week

 Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend,  I a can't wait to see what everyone has been working on

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg
WELCOME to the second week of the February 2025 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!
WELCOME to CREATIVE feature week of the February 2025 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your CREATIVE week Hosts 
This week is CREATIVE feature week
Swing by the Creative hosting Team's blogs:
Colleen @ Butterfly in the Attic
Mel @ Decor Craft Design
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#2 CREATIVE - arts & crafts, music, writing &/or dramatic arts (this can include sewing, yarn work, dance, art history, handmade jewelry, painting, computer art, fashion etc - anything creative while remaining family friendly)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg
(These features were chosen from the January 2025 "You're the Star" blog hop)
Canadian Smocking Pillow by Hello Sewing

Thrifted Home Decor

If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg
All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

Whoever keeps the fig tree will eat its fruit; So he who waits on his master will be honored. - Proverbs 27:18 (NKJV)
